I discovered the awesomeness that is Marcel the Shell with Shoes On! Thank you, Amber, for posting both videos! Hilarious.
My cooperating teacher asked me on Monday, "Is it too early to put out the Christmas books?" My response: "Heck, no!" So, the kids have been enjoying stories about Santa, reindeer, and Christmas magic all week. Love it.
Melissa and I watched Friends and ate leftovers from Sunday Supper. Is there anything better than hot chicken sandwiches coupled with Chandler's sarcastic wit? I think not.
I wore the wool socks my Nan knit for me. I felt cozy and loved.
Chicken noodle soup. Warmth in a mug.
I finished reading Sisterhood Everlasting (while drinking hot chocolate). Lovely.
What made you happy this week?
Lovely post! My favourite part was the picture of my mug! Do you remember them from my room in HCH? I left a lot of things there when I moved and I am so so so glad that they are still being put to good use! Brilliant.
I do remember your mugs! Part of why I chose to have my soup in that mug is because I knew it had been yours!