Monday, September 19, 2011

hello, monday!

I'm linking up with Lisa Leonard to say hello to Monday!

Hello, caramel apple spice, my new favourite drink. Tastes like Autumn. 

Hello, iPhone. You're my newest buddy and I'm in love with you already.

Hello, Instagram.

Hello, dinner date with my roomies. The food was delicious and the laughs were many. 

Hello to cooler weather and warmer clothing. 

Hello, still being barefoot. (No socks for this girl until the snow flies!)

Hello, making popcorn on the stove for the first time. 

Hello, movie nights with roomies. I'm a fan, even if I do fall asleep. 

Hello, Monday! I'm ready to get this week going! 

What are you saying hello to on this bright, sunshiny day? 


  1. I say Hello to you Amanda Greer
    Hello to Monday , the promise of a new day, new week, another chance to do this up!
    Hello to some fun future blog posts I will work on today
    Hello to some new print and card designs and Brush Scripting pieces
    Hello to coffee with friends because we all need hugs and shoulders sometimes
    Hello to fall, but still saying hello to summer because it hasn't left my heart or my Valley just yet (thanks for that!)
    Hello to just keep getting better each day!
    Hello to some personal stuff that I am mulling over: art studio space; secrets of adulthood list; personal manifesto; life plan and blog giveaways!
    Yay. So much to say hello to, and I love it!

  2. Hello to Jeanne (the "homeless" woman)
    Hello to Smudge, our (maybe!) new horse
    Hello to cool weather, but not quite cool enough to fire up the wood stove
    Hello to Zab's baby shower/going away party
    and Hello to Salted Caramel Mocha (my new fav Starbucks weakness lol)

  3. Thanks for saying hello, Free bird and cowgirl! I hope you both have wonderful weeks!

  4. Hello to a new week.
    Hello to trying out a new "teacher" outfit this week
    Hello to yummy half price apps on Wednesday
    Hello to mountains of homework
    Hello to my first presentation as an education student
    Hello to starting a new cross stitch for my Grandmom
    Hello to you, my beautiful friend <3

    PS - for the record, you still wear no socks when the snow flies. In fact, I've seen you wear no socks with 3 feet of snow on the ground. tisk tisk.

  5. Yes! Yummy half price apps!
    Boo, mountains of homework!
    I love you :)

    p.s. you're right about the socks... I hate socks.


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