Friday, April 20, 2018

happy friday!

Another blurry week has gone by! I had to think pretty hard to remember happy things from this week, but it's not as bad as it sounds; I'd have to think pretty hard to remember the not-so-happy things, too.

+ Mabel is becoming more mobile each day. If I plop her somewhere and try to do something quickly in another room (we have a small apartment), I look over to see she's followed me by crawling on her belly. She's adorable.

+ We got a care package from my mom! Mabel went straight for her rice crackers and I've eaten a few Cadbury Creme Eggs. Perhaps even happier: I still have a Caramilk egg, Mini Eggs, M&Ms, and Swedish Berries in a drawer.

+ I finished 2 books this week. I'd recommend this one if you're looking for an easy read, and this one if you're in a book club (or if you'd want to discuss it with me!).

+ Just as I was finishing my last read, Sing, Uburied, Sing became available from my library holds. Excited to start it tonight!

+ Trading Spaces is back! I watched the first two episodes and although it's not as good as I remember, the nostalgia it makes me feel is kinda nice. And seeing other people be creative inspires me.

+ A quick coffee and playdate with friends today helped pull me back from the edge of despair. Sounds dramatic, but it's true. This week has not been kind to us in the AQI department and being cooped up in an apartment is not for the faint of heart. (Being woken up an average of every 2 hours for months is also not so fun.)

+ A surprise croissant from T!

+ Honestly, the fact that I've been posting more to Instagram, this is my second blog post this week, and I have plans for more posts in the near-future is making me pretty happy, too. It's been a long time since I've felt any desire to write or share.

What made you happy this week?

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