Tuesday, July 05, 2016

june book report

I Am Malala by Malala Yousafzai and Christina Lamb / Malala's story is fascinating and inspiring. It took me longer than usual to read, but I'm chalking that up to it being the last month of school, plus I usually take longer to read non-fiction than fiction. Of course, I already knew the basic facts about Malala, but reading her words, learning about Pakistan and her life before being shot, was so interesting.

The Gifts of Imperfection by Brené Brown / This is the second book by Brené that I've listened to (have I mentioned I love audiobooks?). I know I'm an odd man out, but I haven't loved them. A lot of material was covered in this book and there were some gems of insight and advice though. Maybe I should try actually reading the next one, instead of listening to it?

Reconstructing Amelia by Kimberly McCreight / I don't remember where I heard about this novel, but I think it must have been from someone whose taste in books I trust, because this isn't usually the kind of story I go for. It's young adult/adult fiction/thriller/mystery and it's really well written, so I think almost anyone would like it. I think part of why I liked it so much is because I didn't predict the ending, which I'm usually able to do.

Secrets of a Charmed Life by Susan Meissner / I've read a lot of good books lately, but this one was the first in a long time that I couldn't put down. I read it in about a day! It's set during WWII, about two sisters living in London, their evacuation, and the Blitz. I don't know what else to tell you other than you should read it! I've already added Meissner's other novels to my to-read list.

What have you read lately?

(Art print by Evie Seo)

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