Monday, January 05, 2015

settling into 2015.

settling into 2015.

We got back from Cambodia(!) late Friday night and although I'm sad vacation is over, I'm also excited to be settling back into a regular routine.

Of course, getting home from a two-week vacation means unpacking, lots of laundry to wash, groceries to buy, etc., etc. That's why we came back a couple days before we had to go back to work, and I'm so glad we did.

Our plans for Saturday and Sunday were to finish those tasks and to continue the vacation by not setting an alarm, going out for brunch, and relaxing on the couch. I wanted to drink Starbucks and read blogs because I hadn't done either while we were away. We also wanted to finish The West Wing so Saturday night we ordered so much Indian food and binge-watched 6 or 7 episodes. (We finished it last night and now I just want to rewatch it again). (Also, if you tried to make me choose a favourite character I couldn't. Jed, Donna, Sam, Josh, CJ, Toby, Charlie. I just love them all.)

We're not just settling back into regular life mode, though, but into a new year. I'm trying to be more mindful, to love my life more, to enjoy the small things, even the menial tasks that need to be done often or every day.

I want to take better care of myself this year. I don't mean just exercising and eating better, but loving myself. Tony asks me all the time, "Do you love yourself?" and the honest answer is, I don't. Hopefully 2015 is the year that changes.

I want to wake up in the morning and not instantly check social media. I want to take more baths, remember to floss and moisturize, take the stairs. I want to drink more water, light more candles, take more naps. I want to buy things I love, not things I like.

Welcome, 2015. This is the year I learn to love myself.

P.S. Two things I want to remember from Friday night: 1) Our (Chinese) taxi driver played Backstreet Boys (an actual CD!) and I serenaded Tony in the backseat. "I don't care who you are, where you're from, what you did, as long as you love me!" 2) The panic button. Oh man.

P.P.S. I bought and downloaded Elise's 2015 daily goal tracker. Just put 3 up tonight and think I'm gonna love them. What am I tracking? Drink 2L of water. Take the stairs (up and down). Moisturize.

P.P.P.S. Did you see "words for the weekend" now include desktop wallpapers?


  1. This is such a fantastic goal for the new year! (loving yourself) Mine is to walk a mile everyday (or run if I'm feeling particularly adventurous) and, less formally, to also take the stairs. I'm tracking the mile a day through Elise's goal tracker as well. Good luck with your goals & happy 2015! (:

  2. Happy new year! We're just rewatching the West Wing on netflix. We watched it a few years ago so figured it was time to watch again! it is such a good tv show!


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