Wednesday, August 13, 2014

faces of long distance.

Tony went back to Beijing on Saturday, so we've been FaceTiming at least once a day since then. Which has reminded me of the photos I took while we FaceTimed on New Year's Eve in Vietnam/Beijing, which at the time, reminded me of last summer, when I was in Canada for 8 weeks and he was in Beijing. Follow all that? 

Aaaanyway, here are the photos; I call them "The Faces of Long Distance" (hahaha!):

Waiting, waiting, waaaiting.



Fun Thing: While I'm waiting for FaceTime to connect, I usually make a funny face to try and get Tony to laugh. It works every. single. time. :)


  1. I just discovered your blog; I just kept reading your lovely posts!
    Happy, whimsical and genuine!
    X fatima

  2. Found your blog recently and I adore it!


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