It's been FOREVER since I've written in here which is not okay with me. (Except it kind of is because ebb and flow, right?) Anyway... I'm just gonna try and jump back in by writing down a few things I've had bookmarked:
+ "If you are in love—that's a good thing—that's about the best thing that can happen to anyone. Don't let anyone make it small or light to you."
- Excerpt from a letter John Steinbeck wrote to his son
—> Made me feel better when people gave me a hard time about dating Tony last year.
+ "Took today off when I found myself annoyed at a child for not being able to CARRY HER VOMIT TO A GARBAGE rather than puke on the floor."
- Tweet by Brandy, @brandyismagic, elementary teacher
—> Made me feel better about when I get annoyed with my students and reinforced that we all need personal days!
+ "'Don't cold her. Don't airplane her. She don't like drive cars. Goldfish can't colouring.' - 3yo, reciting what not to do with our class pet
- My tweet from May 17, 2013
—> This was what G, my Chinese student, explained to me were the rules for Goldfish. (We had experience with them all :)
And now I must go get ready to go to dinner with Tony, Lin, and Kyle. I'm hoping to drink lots of watermelon beer!
Editor's note: I did drink watermelon beer! See below.
Big Slice Watermelon Wheat at The Big Smoke in Beijing.
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