Wednesday, May 22, 2013

and it was all yellow.

I got a package of "yellow" in the mail yesterday. A package of sunshine, if you will. Of happiness. In fact, the package said, "Caution: Abundant happiness enclosed."

Along with the yellow feathers, buttons, candies, gum, flowers, balloons, and card, was glitter. SO MUCH YELLOW GLITTER!

I know some people might not like glitter spilling everywhere unexpectedly, but I do. I didn't even clean it all up. The last time Annie sent me a card filled with glitter, I found red sparkles in random places for days. Weeks, even. And I smiled every single time, and thought, magic.

So, after opening the package, I brushed most of the yellow sparkles off my clothes, washed my hands, and then headed to my waxing appointment, with some glitter still stuck to my skirt, my cheeks, my fingertips.

And when my appointment was finished and I was leaving the room, I noticed I had left some glitter on the table. I can only wonder what the esthetician thought...

Thank you, Annie, for sending me a package filled with sunshine and magic! You are the best!

P.S. The Snoopy card made me think of this video. (Also, I'm thinking of framing that card; it's just so me, with the yellow and the exclamation points :)

P.P.S. Despite this post's title, I am not a big Coldplay fan. In fact, I think that might be the only song I know.

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