Thursday, November 08, 2012

I went for a walk today and it was good.

Because the internet was being suuuuper slow, and because I bought a winter coat on Tuesday, and because I haven't really explored the area where I work yet, I decided to go for a walk on my lunch break. And it was good.

P.S. Please forgive the crappy photos. I only had my iPod and I don't find the camera on it is all that great.


  1. Even if you don't think the quality is great, we love seeing pics of your life overseas!:)

  2. Amanda, I just stumbled across your blog through I think it's great that you are living in Beijing. I am actually living in China. Small world huh? Just stopping by to say hi from Shanghai! :)

  3. Anonymous - Thank you! I have to admit, I got a little thrill when I read "overseas." Sometimes I forget that I am, indeed, living overseas :)

    Josette - Thanks for visiting :) I'll have to hop over and read your blog! I've heard that Shanghai is beautiful but haven't visited yet.


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