I would say Cara and I have been best friends since January 2011 but it feels like much, much longer than that. Our journey began with a cup of "Reese Witherspoon Tea" and an iTunes gift card that made it all the way to Costa Rica. That was in '09 and '10. We should have realized then that we were meant to be friends.
In honour of Cara's 23rd birthday, 23 reasons why I love her:
1. She knows how to have a dance party. John Mellencamp and Whitney Houston will always make me think of her.
2. When we finish talking and it's nighttime, she says, "Suena con los angelitos."
3. She is brave, friendly, and outgoing. Cara can talk to anyone and make them feel at ease.
4. She sends the best mail.
5. She introduced me to Woodchuck Hard Cider and Rickard's White.
6. She is the one who got me hooked on Friday Night Lights.
7. She is the best at keeping in touch. Snail mail, Facebook messages, Skype dates, phone calls, text messages. And she realizes it's not just the big stuff that needs to be discussed. It's the everyday things that are important, too, like rewatching FNL or something that happened at daycare. (Seriously, waking up to a Facebook message from Cara or receiving a random phone call from her makes my day!)
8. She is very good at rubbing your back.
9. She appreciates a good mixed CD. (And makes good mixed CDs!)
10. Her ability to remember passages from books, movies, and TV shows is remarkable!
11. She always knows the exact right thing to say to someone, no matter what the situation.
12. She is a beautiful writer. Really and truly. I beg her to write.
13. She is there for her friends. Even on demand.
14. She remembers important milestones and events.
15. She is wonderful with children. She respects them and is able to get down to their level.
16. She wears lipstick like a lady.
17. She knows sunshine is where it's at. Especially on a rooftop or on the water.
18. She loves her family more than anything.
19. She is a great running partner!
20. She is determined! Marathon? Check! Travel to Costa Rica? Check! Teach? Check!
21. She is inspirational. For all of the reasons listed above and so many more.
22. She is humble. Oh so humble.
23. She is Cara. I don't know how else to say it. She looks up to Tami Taylor; I look up to her.
Happy birthday, my dearest Cara. I could have listed umpteen more reasons why I love you.
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