It's a bittersweet Friday for me. Today marks the end of my internship in a grade two classroom. It's also the beginning of a week off before I head back to my university classes until the end of June. See? Bittersweet.
Things that made me happy this week:
+ When I take the bus somewhere I always make sure to thank the driver and wish them a good day, night, etc. A couple of mornings this week the driver beat me to it. It was nice to hear a booming voice say, "Have a good day! Don't work too hard!" It made me laugh.
+ My brother was accepted into the filmmaking program at the Centre for Arts and Technology. So proud of him!
+ My Nan sent me a card filled with a few things she had snipped from magazines because they reminded her of me. I really needed that. Grandparents are the greatest, aren't they?
+ I had a little celebration with my students yesterday to say goodbye. There is no school today because teachers have to go to Subject Council Day.
+ Melissa and I are leaving for Vermont tomorrow! We're going on a road trip to visit Cara! We'll only be gone for a few days but I know it will do me a lot of good to get away.
What made you happy this week?
(The photo is from when we visited Vermont last summer. Beautiful, eh?)
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