Tuesday, April 03, 2012

march photo a day 26-31.

I participated in Fat Mum Slim's March Photo a Day Challenge. Here are my photos from days 26 through 31.

26. key
27. my name
28. trash
29. feet
30. toy (This is Jerry, the teddy bear I sleep with every night.)
31. where I relax

Click through for days 1-7, 8-17, and 18-25.

I have to admit, I started to lose steam towards the end of the month. I think that was because I started putting pressure on myself, feeling like I HAD to take each photo on the proper day and I got mad at myself if I forgot.

These challenges are meant to be fun! With that in mind, I'm participating in the April Photo a Day Challenge. I'll be sharing my photos here, on Instagram, Tumblr, and Twitter.

If you decide to take part, let me know; I'd love to follow along!


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