+ It rained. And rained. And rained. And I loved it. When the sky is overcast and the clouds feel as though they are hanging over us, I feel cozy. Comforted. It's the perfect weather to sip a hot drink and curl up with a blanket and a good book. Plus, I love a chance to wear my rain boots.
+ The rainy days meant indoor recesses. Of course, this made the students a bit more stir-crazy than usual, but it also meant I got to spend more time talking to them. Instead of escaping to the staff room, I hung out in the classroom to chat and play games.
+ I spent 5 and a half hours cleaning my house and I've enjoyed the results. Less clutter, dirt, and dust; more relaxing.
+ My mom and her boyfriend invited me out for supper last night. It was nice to see them and eat delicious food that I didn't have to cook (or pay for)!
+ Tiffany (my best friend who's getting married in 2 months!) invited me over to watch a movie with her fiancé and one of their friends. I had a fantastic time! We talked and laughed a lot. I haven't spent that much time with Keith (her fiancé) or their other friends but it felt like I had.
+ We had an "Author Celebration" today to celebrate our students' writing. I decorated the classroom with balloons and when one of the students walked in this morning, she exclaimed, "It's so happy in here!" And that made me happy.
+ I went downtown after school to run a few errands and to get a haircut. While I was on the bus, a group of kids got on (I'm guessing they were about 3 years old) and ran straight to the back. They were giggling and you could tell they were so excited to be riding the bus. One of them announced to the bus driver that they were going to a birthday party. How cute is that?
+ One of the errands was picking up Sophie Kinsella's I've Got Your Number from the library. (This is the book that led to someone calling me crazy :)
Happy Friday! What made you smile this week?
Oh, man. I don't know how you handle the rain. The overcast skies make me SERIOUSLY depressed.