A friend gave me a mason jar to store my buttons in. Who knew a jar could make someone so happy? It's all about the little things over here!
It was my birthday!
This lovely lady tried the pumpkin chocolate chip cookie recipe I posted and loved it!
The students at my school (that I'm doing my internship in) have started practicing for their Christmas concert! This means I get to hear Christmas music almost every day. It's the same song over and over so far, but I'm loving it!
The mom of one of my students wrote a Halloween note for him on a napkin and tucked it into his lunchbox. She also cut his sandwich to look like a jack-o'-lantern. It made me smile and think of my mom, who used to do similar things for me.
I taught my first lesson yesterday! It was on the sight words "I" and "see" and it went really well, if I do say so myself! I'm teaching my second today and guess what it's about... happiness! How cool is that?!
I was on bus duty yesterday morning, which means I was standing in the chilly air at 7:50AM, cupping a warm mug of tea, greeting kids as they arrived at school. If that's not happiness, I don't know what is! (Nope, that's not sarcasm. I really liked bus duty. It's nice being able to smile and wave and welcome the students to school. Who knows, maybe the friendly and sincere greeting sets the tone of their day and makes them happier.)
A supper date with Tiffy was followed by a trip to Starbucks where I discovered something exciting:
The caramel brûlé latte is back! And it tastes as good as I remember! I may have shouted in excitement and fist pumped. (What can I say? I love caramel and caffeine, especially when they're together.)
Blogger now has a button I can click to make a link open in a new window. No more typing in a snippet of code every time I post an outside link. Little things, people, little things. :)
What made you happy this week? Please share!
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