Sunday, October 09, 2011

happy thanksgiving!

So thankful. That's what keeps running through my head. Not just today, but so many days. I am so thankful for so many things. My bedroom and my blankets. The art on my walls. The hot coffee and tea and lattes I sip. The sun shining down. The rain, sprinkling or pouring. The emotions that make my heart swell. The friends I cry and laugh with. The family who is always there. TV shows. Books. Music that makes me feel or get up and dance. The pretty leaves and magical dandelions. This list could go on forever and ever. So I'll just sum it up by saying that I'm so thankful for life!

(Image via Pinterest)


  1. Well said. Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy your weekend.

  2. Thanks, Dalyce! Happy Thanksgiving to you, too! I hope you're enjoying your weekend!


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