Monday, July 16, 2012

hello, monday.

I'm linking up with Lisa to say hello.

Hello to cleaning as soon as I woke up Saturday morning. It was worth it because I felt so accomplished all day. Ha!

Hello to reading Nora Ephron's I Feel Bad About My Neck.

Hello to beginning Heartburn, also by Nora.

Hello to errands, lunch, and ice cream with Nan.

Hello to a pleasant phone call to Grampy George.

Hello to continuing to take the time to admire my surroundings.

Hello to 3 days of training in Fredericton for my job that begins soon.

Hello to those butterflies that indicate feelings of nervous/excitement.

Hello to waking up at 6am. It's Monday, all right!

What are you saying hello to?


  1. I'm popping in from the link-up, so I'm saying hello to you! :)

    Reading and ice cream and time with family and friends are some of my favorite things!

    Best to you on your soon beginning new job!

  2. & Hello ! to this super gorgeous photo xo S + Gang


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