Monday, June 25, 2012

hello, monday.

It's Monday so I'm linking up with Lisa to say hello. 

Hello to a flapper girl themed bachelorette for my best friend, Tiffy. She's getting married on Saturday! (This is the only photo I have for now; less blurry ones will be sent to me :)

Hello to my first time trying Pimm's and my first time riding in a limo.

Hello to dinner out, celebrating my younger brother's high school graduation.

Hello to hours spent packing. I'm moving to my Nan's on Sunday for the rest of the summer.

Hello to reading an entire book in two days. It's the first time I've done that in quite a while.

Hello to my last day of university (probably) ever! I don't know that five years has ever gone by so quickly. Time flies...

Hello, Monday. Let's go.

What are you saying hello to today?


  1. Aw, cute flapper outfits. Congrats to you on finishing your college career. That is a big deal!! Yay for you!

  2. Carolyn - Thank you for the sweet words!

    Rachel - Thank you! It was a fun night!


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